Poze si Povesti despre Mos Nicolae

Cine a fost Mos Nicolae? 

Sfantul Nicolae s-a nascut in Orientul Mijlociu la 350 de mile nord de Bethlehem. Istoria si legendele legate de Sfantul Nicolae se intrepatrund, dar se cunoaste cu certitudine ca a trait in secolul am IV-lea, a fost cardinal de Myra (acum aflata pe teritoriul Turciei) si a fost recunoscut si onorat ca sfant incepand cu secolul VI.
Icoana Sfantului Nicolae

Cum Sarbatorim Sfantul Nicolae? 

La 6 decembrie, întreaga creştinătate îl omagiază pe Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae. Pentru că şi-a dedicat viaţa ocrotirii copiilor săraci, ziua aceasta este în special o sărbătoare a celor mici, motiv pentru care este numită şi ziua de Moş Nicolae.
În timpul vieţii, a fost arhiepiscop în cetatea Mira din regiunea Lichia, Asia Mică. Numirea lui s-a petrecut printr-o minune.
După ce arhiereul cetăţii Mira a trecut la Domnul, episcopii s-au rugat ca Dumnezeu să le arate cine este cel mai vrednic dintre ei pentru acel scaun.
Unui epis­cop i s-a arătat în vis un bărbat luminat, care i-a spus că acela care va păşi primul în biserică a doua zi este viitorul arhiereu.
Episcopul a stat ascuns lângă uşile bisericii, de unde l-a văzut la vremea Utreniei pe Nicolae, intrând în sfântul lăcaş înaintea tuturor.
Cum arata Mos Nicolae?

  Si acum un banc despre Mos Nicolae:

Moş Nicolae stă în seara de Ajun în faţa lui Bulă. Îi arată cu degetul şi îi spune:
- Ai fost cuminte anul acesta?
La care Bulă:
- Tată, moşul ăsta mă ameninţă! Sună avocatul!
Cadourile lui Mos Nicolae.

Stiti ca s-a gasit fiul lui Mos Nicolae? 

Pe cat pare de incredibil pe atat de adevarat. Da, fiul lui mos nicolae exista, daca nu ma credeti uitati buletinul lui:
Fiul lui Mos Nicolae.

Si acum cateva poze funny cu Mos Nicolae? 

Mos Nicolae de ciocolata, visul copiilor:
Cadou de Mos Nicoale

Mos Nicolaee si cadourile pentru copii:
Cadourile pentru copii ale lui Mos Nicolae

Ajutorul sexi a lui Mos Nicolae:
Prietena sexi a lui Mos Nicolae

Mos Nicolae ne aduce cadourile pe cal:
Mos Nicolae pe cal!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Aici poti citi un status interesant de Mos Nicolae

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Surpriza!!! Anul acesta Mos Nicolae nu ti-a adus mai nimic… doar pe mine, un suflet ratacit si singur, ce asteapta doar un semn pentru a arata ce are mai bun si cald.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

A venit Mos Nicolae, zambeste, viseaza, pune-ti dorinte! E vremea sa credem in magia zilelor de sarbatoare!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

La multi ani, NICULAE… in viata sa te impiedici de un bolovan de NOROC, sa calci intr-o balta de FERICIRE,sa te stropesti din cap pana in picioare cu IUBIRE si sa fii SANATOS!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Chiar daca Mos Nicolae nu stie ce ai visat ca ai primit cadou, chiar daca nu stie ce iti doresti sa primesti, chiar daca nu stie daca iti va placea, el tot iti va aduce ceva in dar, chiar daca este numai dragostea lui.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Este noaptea lui Mos Nicolae, asa ca pregateste-ti ghetutele si… spalati-le macar de data asta!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Mi-am pus cizmulitele la geam… te astept! Vrei sa fii tu Mos Nicolae anul asta? Hai, te rog…

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Surpriza!!! Anul acesta Mos Nicolae nu ti-a adus mai nimic… doar pe mine, un suflet ratacit si singur, ce asteapta doar un semn pentru a arata ce are mai bun si cald.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Mmoooorrrrr de somn si Mos Nicolae nu mai vine odata ...

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Daca continui sa fii suparat, Mos Nicolae nu-ti va aduce nimic…. Innoieste-ti sufletul tau bun, asa cum il stiu eu si traieste cateva momente de fericire si multumire… si uita-te in ghetute… ai sa gasesti un gand bun de la mine…Lustruieste-ti ghetele si dupa… mergi la culcare!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

- In ultimii ani, Mos Nicolae a venit la mine cu… dragoste si speranta… El stie ca nu sufar daca nu vine incarcat cu daruri pentru cizmulitele mele.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Sa ai parte de tot ce-ti doresti. .. Sa fii fericit cu cine-ti doresti … sa fii sanatos ca cine-ti doresti … si sa fii iubit al fel ca cel pe care-l iubesc eu…

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Mi-am pus cizmulitele la geam… te astept! Vrei sa fii tu Mos Nicolae anul asta? Hai, te rog…

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

In fiecare an, incepand cu 6 decembrie, sufleltele noastre incep sa simta ceva schimbat in atmosfera – se apropie o perioada frumoasa a anului “Sarbatorile de iarna” – cand oamenii sunt mai buni, mai frumosi, mai intelepti si fac gesturi minunate fata de cei dragi si nu numai.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Mos Nicolae ameninta cu venirea sa, acuma e momentul sa va spalati odata ghetutele.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Mos Nicolae e pe drum… am auzit ca ai fost cuminte si ar fi pacat sa te prinda mosu cu ghetutele nelustruite…

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Iti doresc ca aceasta perioada sa iti aduca si tie multe zambete de la oamenii din jurul tau si sa poti impartasi tot ce ai tu mai bun cu ei. Lumina in suflete si multa sanatate. *La multi ani, NICULAE… in viata sa te impiedici de un bolovan de NOROC, sa calci intr-o balta de FERICIRE,sa te stropesti din cap pana in picioare cu IUBIRE si sa fii SANATOS!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Daca continui sa fii suparat…Mos Nicolae nu-ti aduce nimic…. Inoieste-ti sufletul tau bun..asa cum eu il stiu si traiste cateva momente de fericire si multumire …si uita -te in ghetute…ai sa gasesti un gand bun de la mine….te sarut

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Ziua de 6 Decembrie sa aduca tuturor romanilor multa sanatate si fericire si ca spiritul acestei zile sfinte sa nu fie uitat.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

De Mos Nicolae nu e important doar sa oferim celor dragi cadouri ci sa ne deschidem inima si sa daruim iubire.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Cizmulite lustruite il asteapta la fereastra! Haide, fugi si ii deschide, vine bucuria noastra!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Abia astept sa vina Mos Nicolae, vreau sa imi aduca foarte multe cadouri. Sa nu ne aduca nuieluse ca am fost cuminti tot anul... te iubesc Mos Nicolae!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Cu ocazia sarbatoririi numelui, primiti un calduros LA MULTI ANI, multa sanatate multe realizari si tot ce va doriti langa cei dragi.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

De Mos Nicolae, toata dragostea si bucuria pe care o daruiesti celorlalti se intoarce, in mod miraculos, inapoi. Cu cat daruiesti mai mult cu atat vei fi mai iubit.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Daca ai fost cuminte anul asta, mosul sigur nu te va ocoli!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Sarbatoarea de Sfantul Nicolae are in ea acea magie care aduna pe toata lumea intr-o minunata conspiratie a dragostei.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Daca continui sa fii suparat, Mos Nicolae nu-ti va aduce nimic....

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Bucuria lumii toata, zi de zi-n usa sa-ti bata, bunul Mos Nicolae sa-ti dea, tot ce iti doresti si-ai vrea!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Sa va gaseasca Mosul cu ganduri bune si sufletul curat.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna va doresc multa sanatate, dorintele sa se implineasca iar Dumnezeu sa va protejeze de tot raul din lumea asta. Iar Sf. Nicolae sa va aduca multe cadouri frumoase si dorite de voi.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Da-mi o poza cu tine ca sa pot sa-i arat la mosul ce sa-mi aduca !

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

De Mos Nicolae e ca si cum un inger cu o bagheta magica ar ocroti lumea, si sub ea, totul e mai frumos, mai viu, mai fermecator.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Sper ca de Sfantul Nicolae sa primiti tot ce trebuie, adica o nuia ! De Sfantul Nicolae sa ne amintim sa fim mai buni mai darnici! La multi ani! ...

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

NOROC, sa calci intr-o balta de FERICIRE, sa te stropesti din cap pana in picioare cu IUBIRE si sa fii SANATOS!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Sa traiti, sa infloriti, papucii sa-i lustruiti si pe Mosul sa-l primiti!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Bucuria lumii toata, zi de zi-n usa sa-ti bata, bunul Mos Nicolae sa-ti dea, tot ce iti doresti si ai vrea!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

De ziua numelui tau eu iti doresc, tot ce-ti place sa primesti, sa iubesti, sa fii iubita, si sa traiesti fericita, sa ai si tu printul tau… care sa poarte numele meu! La multi ani Nico!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Da-mi o poza cu tine ca sa pot sa-i arat la Mos Nicoale ce sa-mi aduca!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

De Mos Nicolae am trimis un ingeras sa va aduca multa caldura in suflet, bucurii si vise implinite!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Sa traiti, sa infloriti, cadouri multe sa primiti, in papuceii lustruiti!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Iti doresc ca de Sfantul Nicolae sa ti se implineasca o parte din vise, celelalte sa ti le implineasca Mos Craciun!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

… chiar trebuie sa-ti pregatesti ghetutele, acum nu mai ai nici o scuza!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Spiritul lui Mos Nicolae calatorind din casa in casa, din inima in inima, dintr-un loc in altul ne aduce pe toti mai aproape si pastreaza tot ceea ce este mai bland si mai frumos.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Printre fulgi de nea imaginari m-am strecurat aseara la tine in casuta, sa-ti las un dar simbolic acolo in ghetuta, dar te-am vazut dormind si atunci ti-am lasat un pupic dulce pe obraz. Mos Nicolae.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

De Mos Nicolae este momentul in care ceea ce ne dorim devine realitate! Daca esti sanatos, fericit, inconjurat de cei dragi, atunci Mos Niculae a venit deja!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

E ceva misterios cu Mos Nicolae. Nimeni nu il vede insa fiecare primeste in ghetute ceea ce si-a dorit. Va doresc ca misteriosul personaj sa va viziteze de cat mai multe ori.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Cu ocazia Sfantului Nicolae, iti doresc multa sanatate, fericire si nu in ultimul rand multa bucurie in viata!!! Sa fii iubit si sa ai parte numai de lucruri frumoase!!!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Crede si acum… …crede in ceea ce te poate face fericit. E doar o traditie care a trezit sentimente de bucurie in sufletul tau inca de la primul Mos Nicolae… Gandeste-te ca este acelasi care are grija sa vina la tine de fiecare data. La multi ani!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Mi-am lustruit ghetutele, sunt gata pentru cadouri!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

La multi ani, Nicolae… In viata sa te impiedici de un bolovan de noroc, sa calci intr-o balta de fericire, sa te stropesti din cap pana in picioare cu iubire si sa fii sanatos!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Tot binele din lume sa se indrepte catre voi!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

n ultimii ani, Mos Nicolae a venit la mine cu… dragoste si speranta… El stie ca nu sufar daca nu vine incarcat cu daruri pentru cizmulitele mele. Sunt norocoasa doar sa stiu ca el exista si ca ii face pe apropiatii mei fericiti. Tu esti unul dintre ei? L-am trimis aseara pe mos la tine, sa-ti puna in cizmulite cadouri frumoase.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Sper ca sărbătoarea Sfîntului Nicolae să fie semnalul unui nou început, să ai parte de un drum presărat cu bucurii, împliniri, sănătate, fericire şi mai ales multă dragoste!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Fie ca de Mos Nicolae sa va rataciti printre munti de cadouri!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna va doresc multa sanatate, dorintele sa se implineasca iar Dumnezeu sa va protejeze de tot raul din lumea asta. Iar Sf. Nicolae sa va aduca multe cadouri frumoase si dorite de voi.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Umbla zvon prin tara ca diseara vine Mos Nicolae! Pregateste-ti incaltarile!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Decat nuielusa… Crema de pantofi, perie de lustruit, ghete noi… pacat ca nu ai fost cuminte! Multumeste-te cu mine!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Printre fulgi de nea imaginari m-am strecurat aseara la tine in casuta, sa-ti las un dar simbolic acolo in ghetuta, dar te-am vazut dormind si atunci ti-am lasat un pupic dulce pe obraz. Mos Nicolae

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Daca anul acesta mosul nu iti aduce nimic, tine minte...eu mereu pot sa fiu cadoul tau!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Cu ocazia sfantului Nicolae iti doresc multa sanatate, fericire si nu in ultimul rand multa bucurie in viata!!!Sa fii iubit si sa ai parte numai de lucruri frumoase!!!!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Sa ninga cu dragoste, sa ninga cu fericire, sa ninga cu iubire si pace, sa ninga tot anul cu armonie, sa va umple sufletul de dragoste si bucurie.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

SFANTUL Nicolae – URARI – La Multi Ani pentru peste 800.000 de romani.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Fie ca Mos-Nicolae sa va aduca tot ce va doriti, multe bunatati, dar, mai presus de toate, multa santate, iubire si intelepciune! si… daca il vedeti aduceti-i aminte sa treaca si pe la mine!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Fie ca Mos-Nicolae sa va aduca tot ce va doriti, multe bunatati, dar, mai presus de toate, multa santate, iubire si intelepciune! si… daca il vedeti aduceti-i aminte sa treaca si pe la mine!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Mos Nicolae bate la usa, scoate mana din manusa si va da din palma lui darurile cerului.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Daca vei continua sa fii suparat, Mos Nicolae nu-ti va aduce nimic… Sufletul tau bun deshide-l in fata prietenilor si traieste cateva momente de fericire si multumire.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Iti doresc ca de Sfantul Nicolae sa ti se implineasca o parte din vise, celelalte sa ti le implineasca Mos Craciun!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Mos Nicolae cu sacu-n spate sa v-aduca sanatate, bucurie, veselie, casa plina sa va fie de caldura, de noroc cu toti cei dragi la un loc!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Lustruieste-ti cu mare grija ghetele si aseaza-le la usa! Diseara vine Mos Nicolae!!!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Surpriza!!! Anul acesta Mos Nicolae nu ti-a adus mai nimic… doar pe mine, un suflet ratacit si singur, ce asteapta doar un semn pentru a arata ce are mai bun si cald.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Sunt nerabdator sa petrec inca o data sarbatorile de iarna cu tine. Ma simt ca intr-o poveste, sunt fermecat sa am in preajma mea o fiinta atat de magica intr-o perioada magica a anului.

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Langa brad si langa foc sa va umple de noroc!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Cu ocazia acestei sarbatori fericite iti urez La Multi Ani si tot ce iti dorescti. Fie ca Domnul sa-ti lumineze calea si sa-ti fie numai bine in viata. Sper ca de ziua ta vei fi foarte fericita si iti urez iubire pentru totdeauna. Te pupik, Nicolaeta!

Statusuri de Mos Nicolae

Imnul Romaniei complet

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei complet- vers 1:

Desteapta-te, romane, din somnul cel de moarte,
In care te-adancira barbarii de tirani!
Acum ori niciodata croieste-ti alta soarta,
La care sa se-nchine si cruzii tai dusmani!

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei complet- vers 2:

Acum ori niciodata sa dam dovezi la lume
Ca-n aste maini mai curge un sange de roman
Si ca-n a noaastre piepturi pastram cu fala-un nume,
Triumfator in lupte, un nume de Traian!

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei complet- vers 3:

Inalta-ti a ta frunte si cata-n giur de tine
Cum stau ca brazi in munte voinici sute de mii;
Un glas ei mai asteapta si sar ca lupii-n stane
Batrani, barbati, juni, tineri dun munti si din campii!

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei complet- vers 4:

Priviti, marete umbre, Mihai, Stefan, Corvine,
Romana natiune, ai vostri stranepoti,
Cu bratele armate, cu focul vostru-n vine,
"Viata-n libertate ori moarte!" striga toti.

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei complet- vers 5:

Pre voi va nimicira a pizmei rautate
Si oarba neunire la Milcov si Carpati!
Dar noi patrunsi la suflet de santa libertate,
Juram ca vom da mana, sa fim pururea frati!

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei complet- vers 6:

O mama vaduvita, de la Mihai cel Mare,
Pretinde de la fiii-si azi mana de-ajutor,
Si blastama cu lacrimi in ochi pe orisicare
In astfel de pericul s-ar face vanzatori!

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei complet- vers 7:

De fulgere sa piara, de trasnet si pucioasa,
Oricare s-ar retrage din gloriosul loc,
Cand Patria sau mama, cu inima duioasa,
Va cere ca sa trecem prin sabie si foc!

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei complet- vers 8:

N-ajunse iataganul barbarei Semilune,
A carei plagi fatale si azi le mai simtim;
Acum se vara cnuta in vetrele strabune,
Dar martor ne e Domnul ca vii nu o primim!

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei complet- vers 9:

N-ajunse despotismul cu-ntreaga lui orbire,
Al carui jug din seculi ca vitele-l purtam;
Acum se-ncearca cruzii, in oarba lor trufie,
Sa ne rapeasca limba, dar morti numai o dam!

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei complet- vers 10:

Romani din patru unghiuri, acum ori niciodata
Unitiva in cuget, unitiva-n simtiri!
Strigati in lumea larga ca Dunarea-i furata
Prin intriga si sila, viclene uneltiri!

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei complet- vers 11:

Preoti cu crucea-n frunte! caci oastea e crestina,
Deviza-i libertate si scopul ei preasant.
Murim mai bine-n lupta, in glorie deplina,
Decat sa fim sclavi iarasi in vechiul nost' pamant!

Imnul Romaniei

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei - vers 1:

Desteaptă-te, române, din somnul cel de moarte,
În care te-adânciră barbarii de tirani!
Acum ori niciodată croieite-ti altă soarte,
La care să se-nchine si cruzii tăi dusmani!

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei - vers 2:

Acum ori niciodată să dăm dovezi la lume
Că-n aste mâni mai curge un sânge de roman,
Si că-n a noastre piepturi păstrăm cu fală-un nume
Triumfător în lupte, un nume de Traian!

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei - vers 3:

Priviti, mărete umbre, Mihai, Stefan, Corvine,
Româna naniune, ai vostri strănepoti,
Cu bratele armate, cu focul vostru-n vine,
„Viată-n libertate ori moarte!” strigă toti.

Statusuri Imnul Romaniei - vers 4:

Preoti, cu cruce-n frunte! căci oastea e crestină,
Deviza-i libertate si scopul ei preasfânt.
Murim mai bine-n luptă, cu glorie deplină,
Decât să fim sclavi iarăsi în vechiul nost' pământ!

Statusuri: De 1 decembrie

Statusuri de 1 decembrie 1:

Romani ! Sa fiti mandrii mereu de cine sunteti !
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 2:

Cu ocazie Zilei Nationale a Romaniei, 1 Decembrie, va doresc un viitor prosper si multa sanatate.La multi ani Romania de 1 Decembrie !
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 3:

La Multi Ani, romane! 1 Decembrie e acum!
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 4:

Hai sa dam mana cu mana, cei cu inima romana, sarbatoarea sa uneasca toata suflarea romaneasca. La multi ani Romane de 1 Decembrie!
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 5:

Daca te-ai prins in hora, joaca pana la capat. La multi ani romane, la multi ani Romania!
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 6:

La multi ani romani, oriunde v-ati afla!Un 1 Decembrie plin de bucurii!
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 7:

Omul fara patrie este ca privighetoarea fara cantec de 1 Decembrie.”
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 8:

Patriotismul e sentimentul de mândrie că ceva frumos s-a putut petrece in ţara ta.
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 9:

A-ti iubi tara nu inseamna a fi nationalist.
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 10:

Patriotismul este convingerea că ţara ta este superioară celorlalte din cauză că tu te-ai născut acolo.
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 11:

Fie pâinea cât de rea ,tot mai bună în ţara ta!
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 12:

Trei lucruri nu se pot uita în lumea aceasta:
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 13:

Patria, prietenia si prima iubire.( proverb italian)
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 14:

Iubirea patriei este legea noastră.
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 15:

Romani ! Sa fiti mandrii mereu de cine sunteti !
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 16:

Cu ocazie Zilei Nationale a Romaniei va doresc un viitor prosper si multa sanatate.La multi ani Romania !
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 17:

La Multi Ani, romane!
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 18:

Hai sa dam mana cu mana, cei cu inima romana, sarbatoarea sa uneasca toata suflarea romaneasca. La multi ani Romane!
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 19:

Daca te-ai prins in hora, joaca pana la capat. La multi ani romane, la multi ani Romania!
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 20:

La multi ani romani, oriunde v-ati afla!
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 21:

" Hai baietz.... punetzi mana pe lopetzi !
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 22:

" Nu uita niciodata sa zambesti k nu stii niciodata cine se v-a indragosti de zambetul tau de 1 Decembrie... "
Statusuri de 1 decembrie 23:

" Prefa-te ca esti trist si.... bucura-te de viata ! "

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years :

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Rest

the writing on the wall
Scar across the lips that talk
Boldly shrouding all I thought
Slowly building a flaw

Fair warning
Between the lines
Discover I

Thought you knew was their excuse
Technique swallowing puke


Sliding down my back a blade
Spread her open to betray
Lying in the bed you've made
All is fair when love is hate

Skin the past what's done is done
Bloody taste I bite my tongue
Tears are old and grey at best
Long for rest
Attempt to refrain slow burn
Stitch shut minds eye
Wish to be oblivious
Time will gracefully numb


Sliding down my back a blade
Spread her open to betray
Lying in the bed you've made
All is fair when love is hate

Rest from this might teach a lesson
Picking scabs can cause infection

Rest. From. This.


Sliding down my back a blade
Spread her open to betray
Lying in the bed you've made
All is fair when love is hate

Sliding down my
Sliding down my
Sliding down my...

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Waking Up The Ghost

e knows
The secrets that I keep
No one knows
What's in my head
I can't control
The other side of me
I have lost my breath

The pulse of a steady beat
Pleading for sanity
The voices calling out my name

Now I'm afraid that I am waking up the ghost
Not digging up the memories
That were dead to me
Now, now I'm getting close
Closer to the enemy
That's inside of me

Under the skin
The soul of the guilty
Under the surface
Lonely lies
Under the weight
The sin is
Eating me alive

No mercy
No forgiveness
Condemn to my own hell
The voices calling out my name

Now I'm afraid that I am waking up the ghost
Not taking out the memories
That were dead to me
Now, now I'm getting close
Closer to the enemy that's inside of me

Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah

I am waking up the ghost
And digging up the memories
That were dead to me
I am waking up the ghost
And digging up the memories
That were dead to me
Now, Now I'm getting close
Closer to the enemy
That's inside of me

Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Silhouette Of A Life

d myself to sleep last night
Woke up to all white
Saw all the tears and cries
Screamed out with no reply
Nirvana dreams were never right
When crossing to the other side
It's too late to take this back
This accidental exit

Now what's in store for a
Soul with premature
Wings that will never soar
For what they're made for

Why we wingless angels fall
We'll die if our wings don't grow at all
So tell me why we wingless angels fall
We'll die if our wings don't grow at all

Life is always strange
Signs lie wondering
Mental sodomy
This can't be happening

So tell me why we wingless angels fall
We'll die if our wings don't grow at all
So tell me why we wingless angels fall
We'll die if our wings don't grow at all

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Running In Place

ounds bounce around
The noise just drowns me out
To fast to focus, nothing is showing
Any sign of slowing down
Dreams feed to me
In the form of a magazine
I can't control it, channels have chosen
What I'm supposed to be

It's hopeless
As far as I can see
There's no rest
'Cause we're stuck on repeat

Stand here and wait for the world to finally stop
Running in place, chasing after what we
Don't need, keep running
I'll stand here and wait for the world

Bright flashing lights
The ads just fill me eyes
Colors colliding, voices inviting
Me to buy a better life
She speaks to me
He knows just what I mean
I can't control it, I have to own it
Everything is made of green

It's hopeless
As far as I can see
There's no rest
'Cause we're stuck on repeat

Stand here and wait for the world to finally stop
Running in place, chasing after what we
Don't need, keep running
I'll stand here and wait for the world

For the world to finally stop
Chasing after what we want
Take it all away, flush it all away
We won't change

I'll stand here and wait for the world to finally stop
Running in place, chasing after what we
Don't need, keep running
I'll stand here and wait for the world

For the world to stop
For the world to stop
For the world to stop
For the world to finally stop

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Waking Up

nce and space allow emotions to age into faith
Our bodies may end up alone but close

Are you there can you hear me
Are you there can you feel me

Just in the way all your fingertips touch me
They are healing
One day we'll all fall prey

Are you there can you hear me
Are you there can you feel me

Waking up good morning to you my dear
I'm waking up enduring my biggest fears of
Distance away (a weight) distance away

Are you there can you hear me
Are you there can you feel me

Waking up good morning to you my dear
I'm waking up enduring my biggest fear love

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -The Wicked Ones

s the love that you make and break
He is the drug that you hate to pray
I am the light of you name
To praise
You are the One that we want

Who will convince us?
The Wickeds Will
Who condemn us?
The Wickeds will
Who will defend us?
We are the Wicked ones who adore you
The Wicked ones will destroy you
We are the lost of your innocence
The Wicked ones running for you

We are the scar of the skin again
Massive line
To wondering eyes
Waiting to
Be mastered eyes
Selling clones of every kind

Who will convince us?
The Wickeds Will
Who condemn us?
The Wickeds will
Who will defend us?
We are the Wicked ones who adore you
The Wicked ones will destroy you
We are the lost of your innocence
The Wicked ones (running for you?)

Kill yourself to save yourself from yourself [x3]

Before you become one of us [x2]

We are the Wicked ones who adore you
The Wicked ones will destroy you
We are the lost of your innocence
The Wicked ones (The wicked ones)

You will become one of us

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Shoot It Out

it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now
Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now

Verse 1:
Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now
Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now
Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it a little more
You can be rest assured
You give them all you got and you give them a little more
You never even know what for
They feed and they suck until you unconscious
It's never enough until they kill your subconscious

I'm ready to die

Will you kill what's left of me to stop the bleeding
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)
Suffocate integrity til I'm not breathing
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)

Verse 2:
Feed them, f*****g starve them, keep begging a little more
Feed them, f*****g starve them, keep begging a little more
I'm not gonna be your whore
Load it, cock it, pull it, refuse to be ignored
I'm not gonna fight you war
All the distractions kill the compassion
Suddenly, fame has lost it's attraction

I'm ready to die

Will you kill what's left of me to stop the bleeding
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)
Suffocate integrity til I'm not breathing
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)

Feeding the wolves, don't you know better?
Feeding the wolves, the taste of blood is bitter.
(Feeding the wolves)
Feeding the wolves, don't you know better?
(Feeding the wolves)
Feeding the wolves, the taste of blood is bitter.

Will you kill what's left of me to stop the bleeding
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)
Suffocate integrity til I'm not breathing
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)
(Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now)

Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now, now
Shoot it, Shoot it out cause they want it, want it now

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -One More Day

alls are closing in around us
We hold our silence like a gun
Your stare is empty and a scene that keeps repeating
And I just bite my tongue

They can't take this away, it's far from over
We can't stay in a place we don't belong
For one more day, I'm not afraid to fall
For one more day, we try to save it all

Footsteps will fade away the memories
Unload the words and breathe again
Our eyes are focused on unexplored horizon
At what has always been

They can't take this away, it's far from over
We can't stay in a place we don't belong
For one more day, I'm not afraid to fall

For one more day, we try to save it all

I won't let you look back
If you will help me see clearly

They can't take this away, it's far from over
We can't stay in a place we don't belong
For one more day, I'm not afraid to fall
(Far from over)
For one more day, we try to save it all
(They can't take this away, it's far from over)
For one more day, I'm not afraid to fall
(We can't stay in a place we don't belong)
For one more day, we try to save it all
(They can't take this away, it's far from over)

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Now Is The Time

se 1--
Appetites reach all time highs
No ones seems to care who dies
Prey on every little thing in sight
To kill or be Killed state of mind
Anything to stay alive
Never ever show your terrified

It's a common casualty
To trust in what you see
Saints and Scholars
Don't even bother
The bullet in the blood
Came from those you love
Friendly fires
Death by a liar

Dumb, Deaf and Blind
(Dumb, Deaf and Blind)
Fall back in line
(Fall back in line)

Now is the time
To open your eyes
You need it, you want,
You did it, You got it
So act you own it this time
The coma of lies
Comfort your mind
Your feeding the fire
And bleeding desire
It's down to the wire this time

--Verse 2--
Focus now on how to gain
Loyalty from enemies
Waiting patiently for when to strike

The bullet in the blood
Came from those you trust
Friendly Fires
Death by a liar

Dumb, Deaf and Blind
(Dumb, Deaf and Blind)
Fall back in line
(Fall back in line)

Now is the time
To open your eyes
You need it, you want it,
You did it, you got it
So act you own it this time
The coma of lies
Comfort your mind
Your feeding the fire
And bleeding desire
It's down to the wire this time

These ravenous bastards always get what they're after
These ravenous bastards always get what they're after
These ravenous bastards always get what they're after
These ravenous bastards

The wolves are swarmed in circles like a storm
The carnivores rip into the core
For more and more and more
They rip into the core

Now is the time
To open your eyes
You need it, you want it,
You did it, you got it
So act you own it this time
The coma of lies
Comfort your mind
Your feeding the fire
And bleeding desire
It's down to the wire this time

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Fix Me

taken a lifetime to lose my way
A lifetime of yesterdays
All the wasted time on my hands
Turns to sand
And fades in the wind

Crossing lines
Small crimes
Taking back what is mine

I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me
I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me

So lost for so long
To find to my way
I failed to follow
I'm out of place

Crossing Lines

Small crimes
Taking back what is mine

I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me
I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me

I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right I should be
Don't try and fix me
I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me
I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Fade Into

n shoulders resting on my back
Overloaded with a weighed stack
Higher and higher
Time runs tired

Silence falls
Into the deafening
Sirens of
My own epiphany (x2)

My own mortality

Here I lie with my regrets
Possessions petty meaningless
You are my medicine
Healing me with tenderness

I don't know
Don't go (x4)

I don't know what is happening
What is happening

Broken body crumbles into dust

Weight is lifted sending me with love
Higher and higher
Time expired

The siren calls
Re awakening
Passing on
Into eternity (x2)

Cry no more for me

Crossing through
Fade into (x3)

Crossing through
Fade into the light
Fade into the light

Crossing through [x2]
Fade into the light (x2)

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Don't Fight It

na know
What you really think of me
I wanna feel all the
Pain the sets you free
These waves of doubt
Are drowning me
Gone are the days
When this was easy

Buried in the past
So many moments I want back
Tomorrow doesn't
Hold onto yesterday

If I fall back into you
Don't fight it
Don't fight it
Show me what we've got to lose
Don't Hide it
Don't Hide it
Memories stuck in my head
All the things I should have said
If I fall back into you
Don't fight it
Don't fight it

I wanna know
After all these lessons learned
If there's a road
From these the bridges the we burned
I need to know
If you still want me
Want to me show how much
I need you

Buried in the past
So many moments I want back

Tomorrow doesn't
Hold onto yesterday

If I fall back into you
Don't fight it
Don't fight it
Show me what we've got to lose
Don't Hide it
Don't Hide it
Memories stuck in my head
All the things I should have said
If I fall back into you
Don't fight it
Don't fight it

Gone are all the days of this was easy
Tomorrow can't hold onto yesterday

If you come right back to me
I won't fight it
I won't fight it
Show me what you need from me
Don't hide it
Don't hide it

If I fall back into you
Don't fight it
Don't fight it
Show me what we've got to lose
Don't Hide it
Don't Hide it
Memories stuck in my head
All the things I should have said
If I fall back into you
Don't fight it
Don't fight it

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Dead In The Water

ed are he who are speaks the word
Grateful that we can lead the herd
Dollars signs in the faithful eyes
The anti fate on day disguise
You're just a faker
No miracle maker
Holy behavior
Wont make you our savior

If we want a martyr
We'll come and find you
Come and find you
Done before you started
You're dead in the water
Walk on father out to sea
You're done before you started
You're dead in the water

Blessed are he who sees the word
Holiness are well rehearsed
Dollars in the faithful eyes
Anti fates on day disguised
You're just a faker
No miracle maker
Holy behavior
Wont make you our savior

If we want a martyr
We'll come and find you
Come and find you

Done before you started
You're dead in the water
Walk on father out to sea
You're done before you started
You're dead in the water

The water
The water
The water

Money made messiahs
You're televised to tell yours lies
Modern of a martyr
You're dead in the water

If we want a martyr
We'll come and find you
Come and find you
Done before you started
You're dead in the water
Walk on father out to sea
You're done before you started
You're dead in the water
You're dead in the water
You're dead in the water
You're dead in the water

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Chasing The Rapture

d words
From sharpened tongues
Are spewing them from our mouths
Without a translation
We're just making sounds
The pride of a lion
Is your disguise
But the fear of a coward's
In your eyes

Your chasing the rapture
Praying for a
Perfect disaster
To save us from ourselves
We need more then miracles
We need to answer
For the blood on our hands now
And save us from ourselves

Out sight and Out of mind
Make everything alright
So let the sky and sea collide
Just not in our lifetime
The end is running
Late tonight
The kingdom comes crashing
Down into ashes
Careful what you're asking for

Your chasing the rapture
Praying for a
Perfect disaster
To save us from ourselves

We need more then miracles
We need to answer
For the blood on our hands now
And save us from ourselves

We're comfortable killers
We're comfortable killers
We're comfortable killers
We're comfortable killers
We're comfortable killers
We're comfortable killers
We're comfortable killers

Chasing the rapture
Praying for a
Perfect disaster
To save us from ourselves

Your chasing the rapture
Praying for a
Perfect disaster
To save us from ourselves
We need more then miracles
We need to answer
For the blood on our hands now
And save us from ourselves

We're comfortable killers
We're comfortable killers
We're comfortable killers
We're comfortable killers

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Proud Of You

ws set mood.
Innocence left the room.
And all I know to do.
Is shed a tear for you.

Oh, oh, oh, oh...

don't be ashamed whether you win or lose.
I just want you to know that I'm proud of you.
Don't be afraid when your fight is
I just need you to know that I'm here with you.

I can't watch you choose.
To pour salt in your wounds.
Now all I
know to do.
Is say a prayer for you.

Oh, oh, oh, oh...

Please don't be ashamed whether you win or lose.
I just want
you to know that I'm proud of you.
Don't be afraid when your fight is through.
I just need you to know that I'm here with you.

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Alabama

know your kind.
You would kill your kin for the right price.
Well water thicker than blood.
Oh I know your type.

us to get what you wanted.
You can't finish what you started.
Find it kind of funny how you try to rectify the damage.

failure to find compramize.
The walls are coming down.
Will you survive sacrafise or tummble to the ground?

Your lying to
And to everyone that knows your name.
You play the part of the fool so well.
Oh I know your type.

Use us to get
what you wanted.
You can't even finish what you started.
Find it kind of funny how you try to rectify the damage.

failure to find compramize.
The walls are coming down.
Will you survive sacrafise or tummble to the ground?

Oh I know your

Your failure to find compramize.
The walls are coming down.
Will you survive sacrafise or tummble to the ground?

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -So Long, Good

changing your mind.
Like clouds in the sky.
Love me when your high.
Leave me when you cry.
I know it all takes
Like a river running dry when the suns to bright.

So long this is good-bye.
Maybe we'll meet again in another
Like strangers passing by.
Maybe we'll see clearly in a different light.

Keep dodging lights.
Like a thief in the
The sun will rise and expose all the lies.
So why deny that you and I lead different lives.
The rivers from your eye's
can't change my mind.

So long this is good-bye.
Maybe we'll meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by.
we'll see clearly in a different light.

The rivers from your eye's can't change my mind.

So long this is
Maybe we'll meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by.
Maybe we'll see clearly in a different light.

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -All Your Lies

ttention, pay attention, pay attention please.
He who lusts through life for excess in this world.
Dies a lonely man, careless
of his soul.
Throwing caution to the wind with foolish ignorance.
You're full of pride.
Full of pride.
Full of pride.
in arrogance you can't accept the nearing end of this short lived life.

Smile and give a toast, brag and boast.
Fool the world
with all of your lies.
The parasite's host never even knows.
Pull the wool over our eyes.

Walk the line and pay the
A pound of flesh for paradise.
Wear the wounds of your demise.

Fail to mention your intentions, fail to mention
The actions of your life contradict your words...
The path in which you walk is a vice of no remorse.
Washing conscience
from the skin, claiming innocence.
Ignore the signs.

Smile and give a toast, brag and boast.
Fool the world with all of your
The parasite's host never even knows.
Pull the wool over our eyes.

Walk the line and pay the price.
A pound of flesh
for paradise.
Wear the wounds of your demise.
A pound of flesh for paradise.

Bend the truth till you can't find it.
Twist your lies till you don't mind them.
Mind them.

Walk the line and pay the price.
A pound of flesh for
Wear the wounds of your demise.
From cradle to grave, you chose to trade.
A pound of flesh for
Wear the wounds of your demise.

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Picture Perfect (In Your Eyes)

ur eye's is the picture perfect.
In your eye's does the grass look greener.
Have you seen it though my eye's.

The world
has caught on fire from what I've been told.
These city lights are killing ever slowly.
The sanity with in me.
Maybe I lost in my
This isn't how I thought I turn out.

In your eye's I'm picture perfect.
In your eye's the grass is greener.
you seen it though my eye's.
Cause through my eye's.

Stars are burning brighter.
So bright we can't ignore.
hypnotized drive by's, train wrecks tragedy are patient.
Maybe I a product of my placement.
Given no doubt to make up our

In your eye's I'm picture perfect.
In your eye's the grass is greener.
Have you seen it though my eye's.
through my eye's.

In your eye's I'm so picture perfect.
In your eye's the grass is greener.
Have you seen it though my
Through my eye's.
Through my eye's.
Through my eye's.

Pay attention please.
He who lusts through life for excess
in this world.
Dies a lonely man, careless of his soul.
Throwing caution to the wind with foolish ignorance.
You're full of
And in arrogance you can't accept the nearing end of this short lived life.

Smile and give a toast, brag and
Fool the world with all of your lies.
The parasite's host never even knows.
Pull the wool over our eyes.

Walk the
line and pay the price.
A pound of flesh for paradise.
Wear the wounds of your demise.

Fail to mention your intentions, fail
to mention why.
The actions of your life contradict your words...
The path in which you walk is a vice of no remorse.
conscience from the skin, claiming innocence.
Ignore the signs.

From cradle to grave, you chose to trade.
A pound of flesh
for paradise.
Wear the wounds of your demise.

Pay attention please.
He who lusts through life for excess in this
Dies a lonely man, careless of his soul.
Throwing caution to the wind with foolish ignorance.
You're full of pride.
in arrogance you can't accept the nearing end of this short lived life.

Smile and give a toast, brag and boast.
Fool the world
with all of your lies.
The parasite's host never even knows.
Pull the wool over our eyes.

From cradle to grave, you chose to
A pound of flesh for paradise.
Wear the wounds of your demise.

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Drug Of Choice

lways sells.
Death is a thrill.
Imitate my lack of patience.
How much we pay to be Taylor made.
Fashions fade the trends
will change.

Now what is your drug of choice.
Pick your poison and enjoy.
Now what is your drug of choice.
Pick your
poison and enjoy.

Disasterpation the thrill of a nation.
Temptation is for sale.
Disasterpation the death of a
Money collect yourself.

Reality scripted TV.
Chasseing fifteen minutes of fame.
Fight over fuel.
Violence in
The youth our eye's confused as I am.

Now what is your drug of choice.
Pick your poison and enjoy.
Now what is
your drug of choice.
Pick your poison and enjoy.

Disasterpation the thrill of a nation.
Temptation is for
Disasterpation the death of a nation.
Money collect yourself.

We're so.
Weak for.
Blaming persuastion.
Lifes based.
On imitation.
On imitation.
On imitation.

So what is your drug of choice.
Pick your poison and

Disasterpation the thrill of a nation.
Temptation is for sale.
Disasterpation the death of a nation.
Money collect
Disasterpation the thrill of the nation.
Temptation is for sale.
Disasterpation the death of the nation.
collect yourself.

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Focus

ng deeper in my mind, can't get you out of my head.
There's no way to describe, just how you make me feel.
I don't know is it
love, I have lost control
Even when I'm gone, I can't get away.

I can't focus, when I'm near you.
Do you notice, me at
I can't focus, when I hear you.
Do you notice, that I can't focus?

Like the moth fly's to the light, catch it at first
I can't deny, I'm taken by the beauty in your eye's
I don't know is it love, I have lost control.
Even when I'm gone, I
can't get away.

I can't focus, when I'm near you.
Do you notice, me at all?
I can't focus, when I hear you.
Do you notice,
that I can't focus?

I can't focus, when I'm near you.
Do you notice, me at all?
I can't focus, when I hear you.
Do you
Do you notice?
I can't focus, when I'm near you.
Do you notice, me at all?
I can't focus, when I hear you.
Do you
notice, that I can't focus?

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Russian Roulette

Russian roulette with no luck.
You can kiss it good-bye there's no such thing as sympathy.
When the disease is entering.
first glance your instinct says this stranger's a little dangerous.
The cat was killed the curious thrills.
Now Christ has left the

The taste is so divine.
So divine.
A chemical come alive.
Come alive.

Welcome to your prize.
Good luck
with life.
Cause you can't, you can't, you can't kill me that easily.

It's so nice to meet you.
It's so nice to know
Now that your guards down let me show you.
Superior rides from initial highs have now come back to haunt you.
Your cravings
back the strangers hands for a taste that so familiar.

The taste is so divine.
So divine.
A chemical come alive.

Welcome to your prize.
Good luck with life.
Cause you can't, you can't, you can't kill me that easily.
Why will you
decide when your out of time?
Cause you can't, you can't, you can't kill me that easily.

The battle you picked was so one
Now to pin it on me the one you invited.
Let me sleep.
For redemption, for forgiveness.
Let me sleep.
Sorry I'm not

Welcome to your prize.
Good luck with life.
Cause you can't, you can't, you can't kill me that easily.
Why will
you decide when your out of time?
Cause you can't, you can't, you can't kill me that easily.

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Dying Youth

under the surface I keep the love.
Older and aware of a hidden universe.
I pray to be young and pray to be inspired.
of your tongue blister like fire.

I can't let you go.
Slow down don't leave.
Dying days of my youth.
Over take

There is a glimpse of death in your eye's.
I'm not pre paired to let out those cry's.
I plead to stay young soon will be
So lost in denial.

I can't let you go.
Slow down don't leave.
Dying days of my youth.
Over take

Reach in her womb shelter from strived.
Baring the gifts, burdens of life.
I pray to stay young but soon will be
The age of innocence long sense gone.

I can't let you go.
Slow down don't leave.
Dying days of my youth.
take me.

Fools who for looking back word.
Chose to live as statues frozen fracture.
Youthful laughter.

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Day Dreamer

't seem to change you or open up your eye's
So go on and sing your sad, sad song.
I don't even blame you the routine is
Nine to five and a suit and tie.
Fear of failure a comfort zone is killed.

Braise your self's and give into the
I've got nothing to lose.
So what is your excuse?
Save yourself's your dying in slow motion.
You got nothing to
So what's your excuse?

Life can't seem to teach you the safe caught is right.
So stray from the fight.
Don't you
The daydreamers nightmare is to never even try.
You kind of slipped by.
Fear of failure a comfort zone is

Braise your self's and give into the moment.
I've got nothing to lose.
So what is your excuse?
Save yourself's
your dying in slow motion.
You got nothing to lose.
So what's your excuse?

Take a step back and find a way out of
Can't you see the answer is loud and clear.

Braise your self's and give into the moment.
I've got nothing to
So what is your excuse?
Save yourself's your dying in slow motion.
You got nothing to lose.
So what's your

Find a way out of here...

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Just Can't Win

nd I share the same reflection
why dont you see that we cannot survive in this condition
If you're cut, I'll bleed
So go on
carve into your heart, I could use a new scar or a brand new start
Slowly severing the only memories that bind us as one.

I just
dont know
How to win with you
And I cant let go, part of me is you.

We have lost all communication when words fall on deaf
I'm starting to feel a transformation.
How did I get here?
I dont recognize my own reflection its a ghost of what once
Gone from relative to stranger, separating body from mind

I just dont know
How to win with you
And I cant let go,
part of me is you.

You stay the same
Allowing me to change

I just dont know
How to win with you
I cant let go,
part of me is you.

I just dont know, just dont know.
I cant let go, cant let go.

Lyrics / Versuri 10 Years -Actions and Motives

the fact you did it.
Don't admit it.
Won't make you innocent.
Fate finds you wicked.
Turns you victim for everything you
have done.
So justify the reason to kill.
Reason to kill.
I bet you will.
Find no one but yourself.
But yourself.
I wish
you well.

Oh what tangled webs we weave.
When we practice to deceive.
I know you well.
I know you well.

Actions and
Bare the cross, wear the crown, it's just some evil you can't bleed out.
Our actions and motives.
Your actions and
Bare the cross, wear the crown, it's just some evil you can't bleed out.

I just don't get it.
How you managed to
justify who dies.
Like judge and jury.
Your the very one who crucifies.
Don't get your hands dirty to kill.
Use someone
Know all your lies are measured in hell.
I wish you well.

Oh what tangled webs we weave.
When we practice to
I know you well.
I know you well.

Actions and motives.
Bare the cross, wear the crown, it's just some evil you
can't bleed out.
Our actions and motives.
Your actions and motives.
Bare the cross, wear the crown, it's just some evil you can't
bleed out.

Can't bleed out!

Actions and motives.
Bare the cross, wear the crown, it's just some evil you can't bleed
Our actions and motives.
Your actions and motives.
Bare the cross, wear the crown, it's just some evil you can't bleed out.

Statusuri: mesaje de valentine's day

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.1:


Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.2:

tu ai sa strigi eu n-am s\'aud tu ai sa plangi eu am sa rad dar nu vreau sa uiti ca a fost candva intamplaor in viata ta o inima ce te iubea..

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.3:

O scoica de aur e inima mea

Perla iubirii se afla in ea

Daca scoica se sparge de stancile reci

Perla iubirii ramane pe veci

by bella

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.4:

Tu esti sufletul meu,esti aerul care il respir,daca tu pleci eu mor.!Vreau sa te simt mai aproape...am ramas in gand cu tine ka nu pot avea parte de iubirea ta.

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.5:

El zice ca te iubeste dar nu stie ce starneste

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.6:

tu ai sa plangi eu sa rad, tu ai sa strigi, eu n-am s-aud, da sa nu uiti ka am fost kandva intamplator in viata ta o inima ce te iubea:X........dyana_dulceatsa_de_fata

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.7:

nu-mi doresc prea multe in noaptea de Craciun,,nici macar zapada nu-mi doresc vreau o singura dorinta sa imi pun sa fiu aproape de cne iubesc

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.8:

Ca te-am iubit nu a fost vina ta

Ca ai gresit vei regreta candva

Si-ti multumesc ca din cauza ta

Stiu ce am de facut cu viata mea...:)

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.9:

“Nu disper cand soarta ma apasa

Si nici nu plang de-al tau destin

Caci dup-un chin viata-i mai frumoasa

Cum dupa ploaie ceru-i mai senin

A fost frumos ce-a fost o data Amitirile nu se uita” :((:(

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.10:


Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.11:

De crezi cunm ]sfcsxdhbg

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.12:

Nu sunt perfecta dar el ma face sa ma simt foarte speciala :X:*

Te Iubesk

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.13:

Esti unica, nu esti tipu' celorlalte tipe, desi` in viatsa nu le poti avea pe toate; e pt. tne ti`am mai spus :

" Ce e fakt sa tina, tine ! E pt. tne sh pt. n0i" :X

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.14:

Si mie imi place de un baiat de la mne de pe strada dar n-am vrut sa fiu cu el din prostie....Si acum, cand a plecat din oras sa faca liceul in alta parte,mi-e atata de dooor de el!!!:X Abia astept sa vina varaaaa:X Poate mai merg cu el la plaajaaa:X:x

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.15:

Te iubesc si te voi iubi toata viata :(:):)

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.16:

Sa nu ma intrebi iubitul meu,

In lipsa ta daca mi-e greu,

Sa nu ma-ntrebi daca iubesc,

Sa nu ma-ntrebi daca traiesc,

Sa nu ma-ntrebi daca mi-e dor,

Sa nu ma-ntrebi de vreau sa mor,

Sa nu ma-ntrebi daca mai pling,

Sa nu ma-ntrebi ce am in gand,

Sa nu ma-ntrebi ce-i frumusetea,

Si suferinta si tristetea;

Sa nu ma-ntrebi ce-i fericirea,

Nici daca am cunoscut iubirea,

Sa nu ma-ntrebi daca zambesc,

In jur de pot sa mai privesc,

Sa nu ma-ntrebi daca ma doare,

Nici daca vad pe cer ca-i soare,

Fara sa-ntrebi am sa-ti raspund,

Frumosul meu cu suflet bland,

La orce-ai vrut sau vrei sa sti,

Raspunsuri,inger vei primi:

In lipsa ta mi-e greu iubire,

Iubesc,traiesc in amintire,

De chipul tau imi este dor,

Eu fara tine vreau sa....mor,

In noapte lacrima-mi ascund,

De dragul tau iubire pling,

Cu tine-n gand adorm cu greu,

In vis apari mereu mereu,

Ce-i frumusetea? Chipul tau,

Ce-i suferinta? Dorul meu,

Ce-i tristetea? Viata mea,

De-ar fi s-o pierd nu mi-ar pasa,

Ca am putut sa te cunosc,

Sa te ating, suflet frumos,

Si am putut sa-ti simt iubirea,

Si am aflat ce-i fericirea,

Daca zimbesc o fac prin lacrimi,

Daca privesc nu-s ochii mei,

Ca nu mai am lumina, inger,

De cand te-ai departat de ei,

Nu stiu,nu vad daca e soare,

Nimic acum nu are rost,

Secunda fara tine doare,

A fost frumos,frumos...... a fost!

BY Dew\'

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.17:

Eu sunt trista,.....dar nu am incetat sa iubesc.....si chiar de mi-e rusine sa iti spun......Te Iubesc...Si nu vreau sa uiti asta...

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.18:

te plac, da' nu stiu cum sa-ti spun;....poate-altadata,.....pe alt drum.

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.19:

SI ce daca ma faci sa sufar,si ce daca ma faci sa plang.DAr tu stii ca te voi iubi:x pana la sfarsitul vietii mele.Sh nimeni sh nimic, nu mi te va scoate din suflet.:x:*

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.20:

Exista momente in viata cand simti ca o sa cazi dar este intotdeauna o persoana de care sa te sprijini....uneori uiti de sentimentele celui de langa tine...uiti ca te iubeste ,uiti ca te vrea aproape,uiti ca te-a ajutat candva...shi spui..."VREAU SA MOR, NU AM PENTRU CE TRAI.....NIMENI NU MA IUBESTE...TOTI M-AU UITAT",atunci cel de langa tine se simte jignit, se simte un nimeni.Ma numesc Bianca...si povestea mea suna cam asa:..............A fost odata o fata shi un baiat; cei doi se placeau dar niciunul nu avea curajul sa-i marturiseasca celuilalt sentimentele; intr-o zi fata l-a intrebat daca o place...iar el...foarte amuzat....raspunde..."daca ma intrebai acelasi lucru cu 2-3 ani in urma, ti-as fi raspuns ca: da, te plac...te plac mult.....dar acum....te consider doar o prietena...nimic mai mult"...se intoarse cu spatele shi pleca.Fata a ramas cu amintirea acelei zile...iar baiatul.....s-a combinat cu una din cele mai bune prietene ale fetei. Poate pana atunci fata incerca sa il inteleaga,nu shi-a marturisit niciodata sentimentele fata de el...shi poate asta l-a descurajat shi l-a facut sa o uite; dar asta puse capac.......cea mai buna prietena devenise cel mai mare dusman,iar ceilalti prieteni.....vorbeau tot timpul despre cat de bine le sta impreuna....deshi stiau ce simt eu pentru el...aa fost cosmarul vietii ei.Prietena a patit la fel cu el.....iar apoi ii spunea fetei...."Stii ceva...iati-l...ti-l daruiesc cu fundita...nu mai simt nimic pentru el....dar in adancul sufletului....se simtea la fel de rau....au realizat amandoua ca prietenia lor e mult mai importanta ,shi ca un baiat nu poate strica totul.....shi-au jurat ca il vor uita shi ca nu il vor mai iubi niciodata.......Asta e ...pare ca are un final fericit povestea....stiu....dar nu e asa....finalul asta e:....fata a ramas cu amintirea lui in suflet, nu l-a uitat niciodata shi nu a incetat sa il iubeasca...il viseaza mereu...shi spera ca intr-o zi el va veni shi ii va spune...."te iubesc...te-am iubit...si iti jur ca te voi iubi"..........stiu ca mi-am incalcat juramantul,sunt constienta...dar il iubesc...il visez in fiecare noapte....nu pot...iubirea pentru el ma omoara..incet...incet....putin.....putin...shi intr-un final....o sa regret ca nu l-am putut uita.

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.21:

daca m-ai intreba cine sunt,ti-as raspunde iubirea...

daca m-ai intreba ce fac,ti-as raspunde...TE IUBESC...


Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.22:

hbgjf gvf jfbvv ................eu beabea ma-nvat sa scriu

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.23:

nu mai sunt motociclete NU mai vin baieti la fete acum moda sa schimbat VINE fata la baiat!!!

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.24:

TU MA VREI?................CA EU TE VREAU!

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.25:

prin ce pusti' te risipesti,

cu ce iubiri te amagesti,........

.....te voi gasi vreodata?

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.26:

as vrea sa fiu o stea sa iti veghez somnul noaptea

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.27:

Uite o stea,si e a mea;....... si mi-as dori ca in prima ta zi sa te pot iubi:X:X:X.

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.28:


Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.29:

o iubire, o scanteie ...o lumin'la mn in kap ...un sarut de noapte buna ...te iubesk ...esthy tot ce am :X...for andrei 1 sh 2

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.30:

Te Iubesc asa mult, dar nu te insel, doar umbu cu altu!

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.31:

pai St... ,SMS am zis ca dnd

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.32:

te iubesc la nebunie ca pe dq la cutie

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.33:

am fost un cuplu fericit...dar ce pacat ca m-ai mintit...eu te iubeam,te iubesc,si te voi iubi indiferent de situatie...dar in momentul de fata,tu nu iti dai seama de sentimentul puternic ce arde in inimioara mea:((...te ubesk puiutz:((:((:((:*:*:*

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.34:

Nu voi renunta nikiodata sa te iubesc!

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.35:

ingeras din cer picat,

ochii tai m-au fermecat,

dintr-o singura privire,

s-a nascut a mea iubire...

vocea dezminte dar inima nu minte...


Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.36:

nu il acceptati, l-am pus doar asa

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.37:

in loc de data, te sarut o data; in loc de titlu te sarut multiplu.

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.38:

sunt un pui de smecheras,..... da buzz daca ai curaj

Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.39:


Statusuri mesaje de valentine's day nr.40:

iubirea e un sentiment care iti provoaca durere, de aceea nu vreau sa iubesc!

Statusuri: urari de valentine's day

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.1:


Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.2:

Azi nu mai stiu cine sunt....asta s-a intamplat de cand tu mi-ai spus acea expresie care a lasat urme in viata mea :"stii.... eu nu te mai iubesc"....am simtit in acel moment ca totul s-a sfarsit si nici nu mai are rost sa traiesc .am simtit acel cutit care s-a infipt deodata in inima...de ce oare trebuia sa te intilnesc?? De ce oare trebuia sa te iubesc asa de tare?? De ce trebuia sa cred in vorbele tale dulci?? Stiu.........!!!!! !Pt ca credeam ca tu vei fii viata mea si nimeni nu va putea sa te scoata din inima mea....dar totul s-a naruit din cauza geloziei, neancrederii poate chiar si infidelitatii tale....acum prieteni imi sunt doar acei 4 pereti intre care stau mereu si ma gandesc ca poate te vei intoarce la mine pt a-mi scoate cutitul din inima, pt a putea rasufla mai usor si pt a fi fericiti in continuare asa cum am mai fost....dar........totul e un vis........te iubesk!!!!

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.3:

te iubesc

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.4:

te iubesk ,..... iar uh ma iubesht,.... dar ea,..... cu cealalta fata ... ce se va intampla ? Va ramane asha ? Yo nu vreau asha iubirea mea !!! Nu vreau sa planga ea , din cauza mea sh a ta !!! vorbeste k ea , nu o lasa asha ... sa stie k uh esht viata mea

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.5:

Am un buchet

Dar nu e complet

Floare ce lipseste

Toderica se numeste !!!

Te iubesc enorm de mult Toderica...

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.6:

Cu mainile intinse,......cu tot atatea vise....

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.7:

din oceanul pacific a iesti un peste minc...shi p coada lui scria:te iubesc,nu ma uita...:X:X o_mica_sirena

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.8:

m-a intrebat cineva ce as alege intre viatza si tine,eu am ales viata,iar tu ai plecat suparata:((:@nestiind ca viatzza mea ejti uh:X

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.9:

daca ma iubesti cu adevarat demonstreaz'o prin fapte nu prin vorbe:d

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.10:

Pedirle a mi cabeza que deje de pensar en ti, es como pedirle a mi corazón que deje de latir. Te Amo !

By: Co$m1n

From: AdYn@

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.11:

..in sfarsit ai rostit in clar ca ma iubesti.....Uite...o ploaie de luminite multicolore s-au conturat in sufletul meu...Iti apartin....TE IUBESC !!!

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.12:

Scuteshte-ma de repertoriul tau vast shy-nsyropat;......DEMONSREAZA-MY!

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.13:

Tu de vei iubi pe altul … eu nu pot sa te opresk dar te rog, sa-ti fie mila de cuvantul TE IUBESC! .

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.14:

Daca asta vrei,....itzy dau dovezi;..itzy demonstrez k are sens sa crezy!

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.15:

daka m-ai pune sa aleg intre tyne si viata eu as alege viata iar tu te-ai supara nestynd ka uh ejty viata meah

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.16:

viata e ca o taina, azi e o poveste miine e alta, dar eu sper ca povestea mea de acum se va prelungi mult timp

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.17:

Love big love...!!!

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.18:

Te iubsc, te iubesc ......da....ti-am spus-o prea banal,.....tu, vrei ceva original....

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.19:


Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.20:

stau pe scaun si citesc dar la tine ma gandesc; n-am habar ce am citit,.....de-al tau dor is zapacit...

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.21:

pentru mine tu esti totul...esti soarele care rasare dimineatza....esti aerul pe care il respir...esti viatza mea...TE IUBESC!!!

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.22:

mata e proasta

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.23:

De dragoste,pentru anul nou

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.24:

stau pe scaun si gandesk...mama crede ca citesc......dar gandindu-ma la tine...s-a rupt scaunul ...cu mine:X:Xi

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.25:

iubire imi e ft greu fara u dar trec peste asta dak esti departe si sufar imi trece dar sa stii k eu te iubesc pe u

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.26:

Chiar dak esti departe si suspin mereu dar tu vei fi akolo in sufletul meu...chiar dak o sa te vad cu o alta fata tu nu ma vei uita niciodata..te iubesc numele

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.27:

sa nu uitati ca dragostea trece prin stomac ,asa ca fetelor invatati sa gatiti

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.28:

tsi-ai lUat`o in cap`. Ce`pacat! . Acum`ejti mai de rahaTh`. ! winking . ce s`a intamplat `?surprize . tsi-as fi spus`ca te`iubesc` . da***`.n`ar fi rimath`!

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.29:

Te-am iubit,dar m-ai uitat,te-am privit si am sperat,ca va veni o zi in care si tu ma vei privi,dintr-un coltz,indurerat..

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.30:

cand iubesti cu adevarat ierti totul chiar si atunci cand te inseala cu una

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.31:


Ce ai facut cu mine???

Inima mi-o rapesti,

Iar apoi nu o mai iubesti...

Mai tii minte acel sarut?

Cit de mult ne-a placut....

Iar apoi tu ai uitat

Nici un semn nu ai dat.

Ma gindesc,ma gindesc...

Daca voi avea curajul sa-ti vorbesc.....,

Multe intrebari mi-am pus

La care doar tu le poti da raspuns.


Cu ce ti-am gresit?????

Ca eu cu adevarat am iubit..

Un chip,care m-a mintit.

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.32:

Aceeasi tovarasi schimbati de timp ii vad la fiecare pas dar din ce ne lega inainte doar un salut a mai ramas.

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.33:

te iubesc cristina

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.34:

Am iubit-o pana azi,.....iar maine o s-o iubesc la fel ca azi

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.35:

te-ai intors sa ma faci sa imi pierd iubirea pentru celalalt ( dar nu ai reusit asta ) imi pare rau !

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.36:

1000 te iubeste

100 te doreste

10 te vrea

1 te ia !!! :D

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.37:

»” Iubire inseamna sa sculptezi in inima ta chipul celui iubit si ochii tai sa fie oglinda in care sa se reflecteze chipul celui iubit!!! “

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.38:

I LoVe YoU!!! [:X]

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.39:

imi place cand ma critici...imi place ca te interesezi de mine....probabil mai insemn ceva pentru tine

Statusuri urari de valentine's day nr.40:

sssssst,....sa nu sperii dragostea ca fuge...

Statusuri: urari de ziua indragostitilor

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.1:

Viitorul meu e-n fiecare zi de maine cu tine :x

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.2:

nu iubi:X:X

knd esty eleva

caci iubirea e atenta

si te lasa repetena:D:P

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.3:

Te iubesc in vis, Te iubesc in scris, Te iubesc mereu, Pe cuvantul meu!!!!...Ingerash di cer picat, Ochii tai m-au fermecat, Dintr-o singura privire, M-am indragostit de tine...Eu un sarut cald iti doresc, Si un sincer TE IUBESC....!!!:X:X:X

De la Diana pt Mihai

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.4:

Daca dragostea ar putea fii evitata doar inchizand ochii ,nu as mai clipi niciodata de frica sa nu las vreo secunda sa treaca fara sa fiu indragostita de tine.

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.5:

ai o fatza de-mi sta ceasul in loc (by vali_therevenger)

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.6:

hai sa ne wybim...petrici_sergiu@yahoo.com...жду....

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.7:

nu iubi o floare ca se va usca, iubeste-ma pe mine si nu vei regreta

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.8:


Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.9:


Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.10:

Nu pune credinta

In orice gurita

Caci gurita de vei da

Carte nu vei invata:)) id meu(dany_bolakmik)

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.11:

labutze de aur la inima mea.....si pisicutza din tne se afla in ea....inima moare in valurile reci....pisicutza din mne ramane pe veci...:)

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.12:

sa iubesti nu este deloc greu,doar trebuie sa-ti gasesti perechea

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.13:

intr-o noapte cineva mi-a furat inima pentru todeauna....Te rog cauta in telefonul tau ....Si daca o vei gasi sa stii ca iti va apartine numai tie

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.14:

Te ubesk oanaviorella

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.15:

Te iubesc, splendoarea sufletului meu,

Esti totul pentru gandul meu

Desi tu nu esti mereu

Alaturi de sufletelul meu.

Poate-am gresit

Sau poate-am fost nedreapta

Dar totul se iarta

Daca iubesti o data.

De vei intelege mai tarziu

O sa imi dai dreptate

Eu te-am iubit cum am crezut

Tu nu mi-ai fost aproape.

Sau poate mi-ai fost alaturi

Dar nu cand aveam nevoie

De tine, de cineva care sa-mi incalzeasca

Suferinta, tristetea, durerea.

Tu mi-ai fost aproape

Doar cand te plictiseai

Tu ai venit la mine

Doar cand ma doreai.

Un gram de iubire tu nu mi-ai oferit

Deci la ce-as putea

Acum sa ma gandesc

Dragostea-mi in suflet tu nu ai "cules".

Degeaba iubesc si sper

Degeaba, degeaba

Oricum eu am iubit, tu nu

Deci cine e invinuit.....?

Eu sau tu?

Cu siguranta eu

Pentru ca te-am iubit prea mult

Si am tinut cu drag la tine.

Tu nici macar un simplu "TE IUBESC!" nu mi-ai spus, ce sa mai zic de declaratii....

Totul se termina ca o poveste cu final trist, ca un roman cu criminali:.....a fost ucisa inima unei persoane care a iubit cu adevarat!!!!!!

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.16:

Te iubesc te doresc, du-te,.....vino,.... doar glumesc!

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.17:

eu sufar dupa tn dar tie nu iti pasa de mine; cred ca ar fi mai bine sa fim doar amici si nimik mai mult

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.18:

daca inima imi cere sa iubesc ce am ales,... am ales din toata lumea pe tine sa te iubesc

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.19:

Prima data m-am indragostit de tine,cel cu ochii verzi, dar am vazut ca nu-mi zambesti si atunci am aflat ce e dragostea.Dragostea e un sentiment ce trebuie impartasit.Si stii de unde stiu?Pentru ca m-au invatat ochii albastri,mult mai frumosi ca ai tai.Si stii de ce? Nu pentru ca nu seamana cu ai tai, doar pentru ca ei ma iubesc si sunt ai mei.

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.20:

Iubeste-ma astazi,iubeste-ma maine, iubeste-ma dulce k un inger, oanaviorella

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.21:

Un obiect de cristal spart se poate perfect lipi, dar cand il atingi nu mai scoate sunetul pe care-l scoatea cristalul intreg. Asa si eu, de cand am aflat ca m-ai mintit,parca m-am sfaramat, mai sunt,........dar nu mai pot sa cant!

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.22:

alerg,.....vin spre tine,......sa vad ce faci cand ma prinzi pe rand?

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.23:

Eu iti spun ca te iubesc,tu imi spui ca ma doresti, vrem impreuna sa fim aman2 dar,nu putem de criza mare care este,.........

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.24:

[:x]Iubirea-i un vierme,ce roade neincetat

O inima de fata,si una de baiat[:x]!!(Danutza)

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.25:

Dak iubesti pe cineva, nu ii spune doar cuvinte frumoase, ci dovedeste ca iubesti aceea persoana; cuvintele sunt un fel de a comunica, nu un fel de a-ti exprima iubirea. Iubeste persoana care te iubeste si stie sa iti arate lucrurile astea, dar trebuie sa stii si tu.

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.26:

Te-amagesck din pliktiseala,.....shi vreau sa te bag in boala!

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.27:

te iubesk, iubirea meah si te rog nu ma uita, pt tn ew traiesk viata meah ti-o daruiesk da thu n-ai exista viatza meah s-ar spulbera

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.28:

cum sa pot da de tine rsp

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.29:

Viata e lunga

Poate si grea

Fie cum o fi ea

Dar eu fara

Tine nu pot

Nu rezist

Si nu suport

Sa fiu Aer

Sa fiu Foc

Tot am nevoie de tine

ADIK DELOC xoxo de moa adik official.love_david\\\"yahoo.com

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.30:

Mai,ia sa stiti voi de la mine, nu mai scrieti tot felul de statusuri, puneti ,,te iubesc'' ca oricum asta e cel mai frumos cuvant din lume!

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.31:

Dragostea e ca si floarea, se stinge si infloreste dar niciodat nu stii de unde vine

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.32:

t`besk katha

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.33:

Am nevoie de o prietena si nu gasesc, am nevoie de o prietena si nu gasesc,...... toate fetele sa apeleze la mine! Nu stiu,nu stiu,nu stiu......

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.34:

un ingerash nu poate pazi un alt ingerash dar se pot iubi cum nimeni nu ar putea

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.35:

te iubesc:)):*

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.36:

Dc imi spui ,,te iubesc'' fara sa al simti; dc ma minti? Spune ,,te iubesc'' cand il vei simti; eu te iubesc si am rabdare sa imi spui si tu cand vei simti; tbx viata mea:X:X:X

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.37:

Dragostea e un fenomen

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.38:

sunt in operatie la inima; operatia nu a reushit .... imi pare rau, dar au spus ca din inima mea nu te mai pot scoate niciodata

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.39:

mai.......stiu....ca.......doar.......tu.....ma iubesti

Statusuri urari de ziua indragostitilor nr.40:

IuBiReA e K uN uNiVeRs CaRe tE fAcE sA UiTi De tOaTe dAr Nu sI dE eL NikIoDaTa