Statuses: for flirt

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.1:
The American Revolution was a beginning, not a consummation.

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.2:
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.3:
May this Eid bring Fun, Happiness, God’s Endless Blessings, and fresh love EID MUBARAK to You with all best wishes.

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.4:
Working for the weekend, like everybody…

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.5:
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you…

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.6:
Facebook is like jail, you sit around and waste time, write on walls, and get poked by people you don’t know.

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.7:
Walk humbly Talk politely Dress neatly Treat kindly Pray attentively Donate generously May ALLAH bless & protect all of you

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.8:
Make a sacrifice this Ramadan, and god will listen to your prayers with utmost attention..

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.9:
Somebody from the left is much more likely to make a decent challenge to Chavez.

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.10:
I don’t miss him, I miss who I thought he was.

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.11:
Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are..

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.12:
You have a problem with me. I’m pretty sure a status on Facebook won’t fix it..

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.13:
Silence and smile are two powerful words. Smile is the way to solve many problems and Silence is the way to avoid many problems..

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.14:
Very sorry can’t come. Lie follows by post.

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.15:
sometimes all you ever want is someone to want and need you as much as you want and need them..

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.16:
If someone who is distinguished among his own people comes to you, then honor him..

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.17:
Mix with people with a good attitude.

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.18:
I know your heart belongs to someone you’ve yet to meet. Someday you will be loved.

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.19:
A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt over every truth expressed..

Statusuri/Statuses for flirt nr.20:
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

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