Statuses: of love

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.1:
When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a ten year married man looks happy, we wonder why.

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.2:
To me,”being the bigger person” means wishing a happy birthday on facebook to people who did not wish me one.

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.3:
Being someones FIRST may be great but being LAST is perfect…

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.4:
The key to happiness is to always have control over your emotions.

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.5:
Cant find a status that matches my mood at this very moment.

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.6:
It’s better to dream of something you may never have than to lose something you always dreamed of having.

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.7:
Never change yourself for someone. Be what you are and let them love your original copy..

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.8:
That awkward moment when you keep talking & you don`t realize your friend walked away.

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.9:
You are special, you are unique; may your Eid be also as special and unique as you are..

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.10:
Can you stop being so attractive? I`m trying to move on here..

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.11:
We wish you and your beloved ones a very happy and blessed Eid.

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.12:
No wise man ever wished to be younger..

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.13:
Avoid negative people to stay positive.

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.14:
I don’t care about what others think about me ,I just care about what I think about myself

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.15:
My bed is always extra comfortable when I need to get out of it in the morning.

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.16:
Love your enemies.It’ll confuse them..

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.17:
Genius by birth evil by nature human by chance..

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.18:
I am not feeling lazy actually, I am just incredibly motivated to do nothing..

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.19:
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.

Statusuri/Statuses of love nr.20:
If there is no chocolate in heaven…”I AM NOT GOING”.

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