Statusuri:de prietenie in engleza

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.1:
My pillow is made at me, it wants you to be here with us. Goodnight.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.2:
Why does time move so fast when we’re together, and so damn slow when we’re apart..

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.3:
Every story has an end. But in life every ending is just a new beginning…

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.4:
When we are bored we get on Facebook, then we get bored on Facebook so we get off then 15 min later back on. its an endless cycle..

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.5:
Advice to women: Date like a man and you’ll never get hurt.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.6:
To be perfectly honest I don’t really give a damn what my status says. I’m just so glad your wasting your time reading it.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.7:
Treat people nicely even if they don`t return the favor. Thats being nice.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.8:
Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had..

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.9:
To like and dislike the same things, that is indeed true friendship.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.10:
Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.11:
You never really lose anything until you lose your best friend.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.12:
Hello stress welcome to my life looks like you’ve made yourself quite comfortable.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.13:
May God bless you and fill your heart with joy & happiness. May the color and lights of Onam fill your home with happiness and joy. Have the most beautiful Onam.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.14:
Fresh coffee in my cup and my FB page is up, look at that, i already achieved all my goals for the day..

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.15:
F.A.M.I.L.Y is one of the strongest words anyone can say, because the letters of FAMILY means Father And Mother I Love You..

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.16:
The greatest gift you can give to a special someone is your TIME. Its like you’re giving the portion of your life that you can never bring back.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.17:
Relationships do not need promises, terms, and conditions. It just needs two wonderful people, one who can trust and one who can understand.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.18:
The Awkward Moment Where The Music Stops, But You`re Still Singing..

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.19:
The awkward moment when you pull your blankets up and punch yourself in the damn face.

Statusuri/Statuses de prietenie in engleza nr.20:
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

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